TIAA recently released a powerful television ad that addresses the issue of retiree inequality. The...
TIAA, also known as TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund), is a financial services organization that specializes in retirement plans for people who wo...
After conducting a search on Cronin, it appears that there are several companies and individuals with that name. The most prominent seems to be a full-service advertising agency called Cronin in Conne...
TargetCast tcm is a marketing and advertising agency that specializes in media planning and buying. The company was founded in 2006 and has been providing innovative advertising solutions to clients a...
Aurelia Michael is an actress, dancer, and coach who was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. She began her artistic training at the Dance Theatre of Harlem and has continued to study and perform in various dance styles. Aurelia has appeared in productions such as Snake Outta Compton and has worked as a coach and faculty member at Broadway Dance Center. She is known for her confidence and empowering presence. You can find more information about Aurelia Michael on her Instagram (@aureliamichael) and YouTube channel.