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TV spots

TV commercials with Barbara Catrett

AARP Healthcare Options TV Spot, 'Political Spin' featuring Barbara Catrett
Featuring: Barbara Catrett
745 November 18, 2012

The AARP Healthcare Options TV spot titled "Political Spin" is a witty and clever advertisement that...


Advertisers of commercials featuring Barbara Catrett

Barbara Catrett tv commercials
AARP Services, Inc.

AARP Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of AARP, which is a US-based interest group that focuses on the needs and interests of aging individuals. AARP Services, Inc. was established in 1999 as a for-profi...

Collaborated with Barbara Catrett

Agencies worked with Barbara Catrett

Barbara Catrett tv commercials

MediaCom is a global advertising and media agency with a presence in 100 countries. The company was founded in the UK in 1986 and has since grown to become one of the largest media agencies in the wor...

Barbara Catrett tv commercials
RTC Relationship Marketing

RTC Relationship Marketing is a leading marketing firm that specializes in building and maintaining relationships with customers. The company focuses on creating personalized experiences for clients t...

Who is Barbara Catrett?

Barbara Catrett tv commercials

Barbara Catrett is an individual who appears to have a diverse range of interests and activities. Although the search results provide scattered information about Barbara Catrett, it is difficult to ascertain a comprehensive understanding of who she is based solely on these search results. It is unclear if the individual mentioned in the search results is a public figure, a private individual, or if there are multiple individuals with the same name.

Without further context or specific information about Barbara Catrett, it is challenging to provide more detailed information or answer any specific questions about her. If you have specific questions or additional information about Barbara Catrett, please provide more details, and I will do my best to assist you further.

Social media links

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