ABC Soaps In Depth recently released a thrilling TV spot that left audiences reeling. Titled 'Genera...
ABC Soaps In Depth is a renowned company that has made its mark in the world of entertainment journalism. With a strong focus on soap operas aired on the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) networ...
Bryan Craig is a talented actor who has worked his way up the ranks in Hollywood as a commercial actor. He was born on October 27, 1992 in Boca Raton, Florida, and has been in the acting industry since 2007. Craig began his career with a variety of commercials, including advertisements for McDonald’s, Applebee’s, and Frosted Flakes.
Craig's talent was quickly recognized, and he began landing more prominent roles in commercials. In 2011, he appeared in a Super Bowl advertisement for Audi as a vampire alongside comedian Ken Jeong. He also starred in a national campaign for the telecom provider, U.S. Cellular.
Craig is not only talented in front of the camera as a commercial actor, but he has also made his mark in television and film. In 2013, he was cast in the soap opera “General Hospital,” for which he won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series in 2016. He has also had guest roles in popular television series such as "The Vampire Diaries," "Valor," and "Grand Hotel."
In 2020, Craig shifted his focus back to commercials and appeared in a series of Toyota ads, showcasing their new lineup of vehicles. He has also recently worked with companies such as Verizon, Visa, and Samsung.
Bryan Craig's dedication to his craft as an actor, both in commercials and beyond, has made him a respected and sought-after talent in the industry. With his impressive resume and undeniable talent, there’s no doubt that we will continue to see him in more commercials and other Hollywood projects in the future.