Title: REXULTI TV Spot - 'Living Behind the Mask': "Are you tired of living behind a mask? Strugglin...
Overview of REXULTI CompanyREXULTI is not a company but a medication developed by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. in collaboration with Lundbeck, Inc., a pharmaceutical company based in Denmark. R...
Wavemaker is a global advertising company that specializes in helping businesses connect with their target audiences through innovative marketing strategies. The company was formed as a merger between...
Catherine Gasta is an actress, comedian, and mime artist based in New York City. She has experience working in the entertainment industry, particularly in acting, comedy, mime, and choreography. She is also a whiteface mime artist who participates in the French Institute of New York's Bastille Day fair every year. Some of her notable works include One World Trade Center and Captain Amazing-Lad Saves America. Additionally, there is an obituary for someone named Sara Catherine Gasta who passed away in Sun City, AZ in September 2016, but it's unclear if she is related to Catherine Gasta.