Title: No Kid Hungry TV Spot, 'Discovery Communications: Every County in America' Featuring Guy Fier...
Company No Kid Hungry is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger in America. With a mission to ensure that every child has access to healthy food and meals every day, No Kid Hun...
Chef Duff Goldman is not only a master baker, but he is also a popular television personality and commercial actor. He grew up in a Jewish family in Detroit and started cooking as a teenager. He attended the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley, California, where he learned the ropes of baking, including decorating cakes.
After completing his studies, Goldman worked in different restaurants before opening his bakery, Charm City Cakes, in Baltimore. He became famous when the Food Network approached him to host the show "Ace of Cakes" in 2006. The show documented his team’s creative cake creations that rivaled sculptures.
Goldman's charismatic personality has also landed him a series of commercials, including ones for Southern Comfort liqueur. He also worked as a judge on several cooking shows, such as "Holiday Baking Championship" and "Kids Baking Championship".
In 2011, Goldman wrote a cookbook called "Ace of Cakes: Inside the World of Charm City Cakes". He followed this up with "Duff Bakes: Think and Bake Like a Pro at Home" in 2015, which shows home bakers how to achieve professional results.
Goldman is admired for his innovative cake designs, as well as his willingness to take risks in the kitchen. He has captured the hearts of many through his TV appearances, and his team's cake baking skills have inspired a generation of bakers.