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Christopher Flockton is a British actor best known for his work as a commercial actor. He has appeared in numerous TV ads, on billboards and in print media, promoting a variety of products.
Born on March 8, 1958, in Lincolnshire, England, Flockton started his career on stage before transitioning to film and commercial work. He has appeared in several West End productions, including "Les Miserables," "The Pirates of Penzance," and "Me and My Girl."
On the big screen, Flockton has acted in films such as "No Escape," "The Perfect Husband," and "The Legend of the Rollerblade Seven." However, his work as a commercial actor is what has brought him the most recognition.
Flockton has a natural ability to connect with audiences, delivering lines with charm and wit. He has been the face of many well-known brands, including Toyota, McDonald's, and Coca-Cola. His memorable performances in these advertisements have made him a popular and sought-after commercial actor.
Despite his success as a commercial actor, Flockton has remained committed to his craft and continues to work on film, television, and stage. He has also lent his voice to several audiobooks, including Ian Fleming's "Casino Royale" and Wilkie Collins' "The Woman in White."
With his talent and versatility as an actor, Christopher Flockton has become a well-loved and respected figure in the entertainment industry. His work as a commercial actor has made him a household name, and his ability to connect with audiences continues to captivate viewers around the world.