Title: Monster High Deluxe High School TV Spot: 'Secrets and Surprises'[Opening scene: Exciting musi...
Monster High is a toy franchise created by Mattel in 2010. The concept behind the company is simple - to create dolls that were inspired by monsters. While the brand began with dolls, it has since exp...
Spark Foundry is a global media agency that specializes in data-driven advertising solutions that drive business results. The company has a rich history, having been founded in 2018 as a rebranding of...
Dakota Guppy is a Canadian actress known for her roles in various TV shows and movies such as "Good Boys", "The Returned", and "Rush". She was born on February 18, 2006, and became widely known for her role as Chloe Blackshaw in the series "The Returned". Dakota Guppy's sister is Havana Guppy , who is also an actress.