In the futuristic world of Kabbage, a captivating TV spot brings forth the enigmatic Kabbage Spokesg...
Overview of KabbageKabbage is an online financial technology company based in Atlanta , Georgia. The company was founded in 2008 by Rob Frohwein, Marc Gorlin, and Kathryn Petralia. It offers lending...
Eleven, Inc. is a dynamic and innovative company that was founded in 2010 by a group of young entrepreneurs with a mission to deliver cutting-edge solutions to clients. The company has quickly grown t...
David Ury is an American commercial and character actor, best known for his role as Spooge in the second season of the popular television show "Breaking Bad". He has also made appearances in other popular shows, such as "Friends", "Mad Men", and "The Office", as well as in films such as "Gigli" and "Kill Bill Vol. 1".
In addition to his acting work, David Ury has also worked as a writer and producer, and has appeared in several commercials for a variety of products and companies, such as Snickers, Verizon, and Wendy's. He has also appeared in several web series, including "The Guilty Party" and "Pillow Talk".
David Ury is known for his distinctive appearance, often sporting a bald head and thick beard, as well as his ability to bring humor and depth to his characters. He is a respected figure in the entertainment industry and has earned a dedicated fanbase due to his versatile acting skills and charming personality.
In summary, David Ury is a talented actor, writer, and producer who has made a name for himself through his memorable performances and unique qualities both on and off screen. His work in commercials has also helped to establish him as a recognizable face in the advertising world.