Title: Craving Adventure: Town House Pita TV SpotIntroduction:In the Town House Pita TV Spot, titled...
Town House Crackers is a brand of crackers that is owned by the well-known food company, Kellogg’s. The company was established in 1942 and has been a household name for many snacks and food products....
Starcom is a world-renowned media communications agency that specializes in harnessing the power of media , technology, and data to create engaging and effective advertising campaigns. The company was...
Jackie Smook is an artist, comedian, singer, writer, and puppet maker based in Chicago, Illinois. She has worked on TV shows and national commercials. Smook has also performed in several cabaret shows, including "The Jackie Smook Program of De-Dumb-ification," which has been reviewed positively. She is on TikTok, and has a YouTube channel with a few videos.