In Marshalls' TV spot titled 'Game On,' viewers are introduced to a dynamic duo: Carl Radke and Lind...
Lindsay Hubbard is a reality TV personality known for appearing in the Bravo series Summer House. She made her debut on the show in 2017 and has since become a popular cast member. Lindsay is best known for her relationship with fellow cast member Carl Radke. The couple got engaged and was planning to get married. Lindsay's journey to find the perfect wedding dress was documented on the show , and she even visited the famous Kleinfeld Bridal in New York City for her dress shopping. The couple's wedding plans have been a source of discussion and updates among fans. Lindsay is also active on social media, particularly on Twitter, where she shares updates and interacts with her followers. She has a personal and professional life outside of the show, including her work as the President of Hubb House PR.