Title: Disney Princess Palace Pets Magic Dance Pumpkin TV Spot: "In a magical land where dreams come...
Disney Princess is a popular brand that is owned by Mattel, a global toy company. The brand is focused on creating toys, movies, and other merchandise based on popular Disney princesses, such as Cinde...
Spark Foundry is a global media agency that specializes in data-driven advertising solutions that drive business results. The company has a rich history, having been founded in 2018 as a rebranding of...
Makayla Lysiak is an actress, singer, and screenwriter known for her work in Hollywood's film and television industry. She has been a guest-star on several notable TV series , including "New Girl," "The Fosters," and "Grey's Anatomy." Makayla is also active on social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, where she shares updates on her journey as an actress and her other creative endeavors. She is a graduate of the University of Southern California and has a profile on IMDb, as well as other professional platforms like Backstage.