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Missy Elliott is widely known for her contributions to the music industry as a singer, rapper, and songwriter. However, fans of the artist may not be aware that she has also made a name for herself in the world of commercial acting.
One of the most notable commercial appearances made by Missy Elliott was in a 2018 Super Bowl ad for Doritos and Mountain Dew. The commercial featured Missy Elliott in a rap battle against actor Peter Dinklage, with the two promoting the respective snacks by showcasing their unique talents.
During the commercial, Missy Elliott was seen spitting fire with her rhymes while sitting in the back of a car covered in glowing neon lights. Her performance in the ad demonstrated her versatile skills as a performer and highlighted her ability to captivate the audience with her slick flow and clever lyrics.
In addition to the Doritos and Mountain Dew commercial, Missy Elliott has also appeared in several other ads over the years. Her commercial work showcases her entertaining personality, creativity, and ability to connect with audiences both on and off stage.
Overall, Missy Elliott's contributions to the world of commercial acting have been just as impressive as her work in music. Her energy and talent have made her a popular choice for brands looking to promote their products in a unique and engaging way, and she continues to inspire and entertain audiences with her performances both on and off screen.