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Get Schooled TV Spot, 'Tacos and Tuesday' Featuring Phil LaMarr(Opening scene with students gathered...
Adult Swim Games is a video game development company that is known for creating unique, quirky, and often bizarre games that are unlike any other games out there. Founded in 2001 as a block on the Car...
Get Schooled is a dynamic and innovative company that is redefining the way students engage with education. This forward-thinking organization combines technology, partnerships, and personal motivatio...
Phil LaMarr is a highly acclaimed American actor, comedian, and writer who has worked in various commercial, television, and film projects. LaMarr’s talent and versatility have earned him a reputation as one of the most sought-after actors in the entertainment industry.
LaMarr started working as a performer in the early 1990s, where he appeared in commercials for various companies. His standout performances led to him being hired to provide voice-over work for several animated shows, including the popular cartoon series Futurama, where he played the character Hermes Conrad.
LaMarr's acting prowess has earned him numerous accolades and nominations, including a Primetime Emmy for his voice-over work on the show Justice League. His commercial appearances are also unforgettable, and he has lent his talents to brands such as Pepsi, McDonald's, and GEICO.
LaMarr has continued to make a significant impact in the entertainment industry, not just as an actor, but also as a writer and producer. He has written for several popular TV shows, including Mad TV, where he was also a cast member.
Off-screen, LaMarr is an advocate for diversity in the entertainment industry and has been vocal about his support for greater representation of people of color and women in Hollywood.
Overall, Phil LaMarr is a multi-talented and accomplished actor and performer whose outstanding work in commercials, television, and film will continue to inspire and entertain audiences for years to come.