Google Play Music released a TV spot featuring the legendary music producer, Quincy Jones, and his s...
Title: Google Play TV Spot: "Rooted in Music: Quincy Jones and Son"Introduction:In a captivating and...
Google Play, also known as the Google Play Store, is a digital distribution platform developed and maintained by Google. The platform provides access to millions of apps, books, movies, music, and TV...
Quincy Jones is an American record producer , songwriter, composer, arranger, and film and television producer, as well as a musical performer, multi-instrumentalist, singer, and film producer. He has had a career spanning over 60 years and has worked in virtually all forms of popular music. Jones is considered to be one of the greatest minds in music and television history , and is the all-time most nominated Grammy artist , with a total of 80 nominations and 28 awards. He was born on March 14, 1933.