The TV spot for the 2023 open enrollment period showcases the benefits of enrolling i... is an online platform that serves as a marketplace for individuals and families in the United States to access health insurance coverage. Launched in 2010 under the Affordable Care Act...
Shia Peterson appears to be an individual associated with the entertainment industry, specifically as an actor. Based on the search results, Shia Peterson is known for their roles in films such as "One Heart," "A Jenkins Family Christmas" (2021), and "The Lady Makers" (2022). It is unclear whether this refers to a specific person or if it is a stage name or pseudonym. IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes provide additional information on Shia Peterson's filmography and ratings. Backstage and IMDb also feature photos and a professional profile, respectively, related to Shia Peterson. Please note that the search results also include unrelated information, such as an obituary for Chri'Shia A'Miracle Peterson and comments made by Jordan Peterson regarding Sunni and Shia Muslims.