Title: American InterContinental University TV Spot - 'Busy Schedule'Introduction:In the fast-paced world we live in, juggling multiple responsibilities can be a challenge. American InterContinental University understands this struggle and has created a television spot titled 'Busy Schedule' to show...
Title: American InterContinental University TV Spot, 'Finding Time'Introduction:In this captivating TV spot, American InterContinental University (AIU) takes us on a journey through the lives of busy individuals who are determined to make time for their education. Titled 'Finding Time,' this commerc...
American InterContinental University (AIU) is a private, for-profit university known for providing a flexible and accelerated learning experience. In 2019, AIU released a TV spot called "The Edge," which highlights the benefits of their unique approach to education.The commercial features a young wo...