In this Cintas TV spot titled "Most Important Part," the renowned American rock band Aerosmith lends their iconic song to convey the message of the commercial. Aerosmith's hit song "Sweet Emotion" serves as the energetic soundtrack, perfectly complementing the visual storytelling.The ad begins with...
Cintas is a company that specializes in providing rental uniforms to various businesses. The company recently released a new TV commercial titled 'Put People First,' which is accompanied by a song by Aerosmith.The TV spot opens with an appealing background beat and footage of employees in various in...
Cramer-Krasselt is a leading independent advertising agency that is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It is the second largest independent advertising agency in the US , and has over $500 million in billing. The company was founded in 1898 by Fredrick Cramer and William Krasselt, and has since grown to become a well-respected agency in the business.Cramer-Krasselt is known for its successful campaigns for well-known brands such as Corona,...