Title: Level the Playing Field: Draft Ops TV Spot Featuring Rich EisenIntroduction:In this thrilling and captivating TV spot, Draft Ops teams up with the charismatic Rich Eisen to promote their innovative gaming platform. The advertisement, titled "Level the Playing Field," is a masterful blend of e...
Title: DraftOps TV Spot: Play Fantasy Sports for Real Money[Scene: A vibrant, energetic sports bar filled with enthusiastic fans cheering on their favorite teams while a big game plays on multiple screens. The atmosphere is electric with excitement.][Upbeat music begins to play as the camera zooms i...
As a language model, I can provide you with general information about Draft Ops. However, I do not have specific information on this company as I do not have access to real-time or privileged information.
Based on the search results, it seems that DraftKings, not Draft Ops, is the company referred to in the available search results. DraftKings is a global sports technology and entertainment company that offers daily fantasy sports contests and legalized sports betting in certain areas.
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