Napoleon Grills TV Spot, 'Built Different' takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through the world of outdoor cooking, showcasing the unparalleled quality and craftsmanship of Napoleon Grills. This commercial aims to captivate and inspire audiences with its innovative approach to grilling, leavin...
"Grill Envy" is an electrifying television spot brought to you by Napoleon Grills, a renowned brand for its exceptional grilling products and innovative technology. This ad takes viewers on a tantalizing journey into a world of mouthwatering flavors and the envy that comes with owning a Napoleon Gri...
Title: Ingredients of a Napoleon Grill: Unleashing the Flame-Worthy FlavorIntroduction:In a world where backyard grilling has become an art form, Napoleon Grills emerges as the epitome of excellence, igniting a fiery revolution in the hearts of grill enthusiasts. In their captivating TV spot, "Ingre...
The Napoleon Grills TV spot "Upgrade Your Grilling Game" is a 30-second commercial that highlights the brand's premium grilling products. The ad features a family enjoying a delicious barbecue on their deck, and the focus is on the quality of the food cooked on a Napoleon grill.The commercial opens...
About Napoleon Grills
Napoleon is a Canadian company that specializes in the design and manufacturing of high-quality grills and outdoor living products. Napoleon Grills was founded in 1976 and has been providing customers with innovative and premium grilling solutions ever since. The company has grown tremendously over the years, expanding its product lines to include electric fireplaces and other outdoor living products.
Product Lines
The company offers a wide range of gas, charcoal, and electric grills, as well as portable, built-in, and freestanding models. Napoleon Grills also offers accessories such as covers, rotisserie kits, and barbecue tools, to name a few. The brand's gas grills come equipped with features such as sear plates, infrared burners, and LED lights. Napoleon charcoal grills are also exceptional; most come with a built-in smoker and an adjustable charcoal bed.
Quality is an important part of Napoleon's philosophy, and the company is committed to creating grills that stand up to the test of time. These products are backed by an impressive warranty scheme that covers most parts of the grill for up to ten years.
Customer Service
Napoleon prides itself on its customer services, its customer support team is available to help customers with any questions or concerns they may have. The company's website offers an extensive FAQ section, user manuals, and a warranty registration form. Additionally, customers can contact the company via phone or email for additional support.
Where to Buy
Napoleon Grills can be purchased from authorized dealers, with locations throughout Canada, the United States, and other countries worldwide. In addition, the brand's products are available for purchase on the company's website, as well as retailers such as Amazon.