PlayStation is a leading brand in the video game industry, known for producing top-quality gaming consoles and developing innovative and entertaining games. The company was founded in Japan in 1994 an...
MOFILM is a global creative community that works with top brands and agencies to create compelling content that resonates with audiences worldwide. The company was founded in 2007 by Jeffrey Merrihue and Ingrid Kopp with the goal of democratizing the creative process by harnessing the power of the crowd.
Today, MOFILM offers an online platform that connects brands with a global network of filmmakers, photographers, and creatives. Through this platform, brands can commission original content that is tailored to their unique needs and budget, while creatives have access to a range of opportunities to showcase their talents and gain exposure.
One of the company's core values is diversity and inclusion, and they actively seek to work with filmmakers from underrepresented communities. They are proud partners of Free the Bid, an initiative dedicated to increasing the number of female directors in advertising. MOFILM has also launched several programs to support emerging filmmakers, including workshops and mentorship programs.
Over the years, MOFILM has collaborated with some of the world's most recognizable brands, including Coca-Cola, Chevrolet, and Airbnb. Their work has been recognized with numerous awards, including Cannes Lions, Clios, and Webbys.
In conclusion, MOFILM is a innovative company that is making waves in the advertising industry by harnessing the collective creativity of the global community. With a commitment to inclusivity, they are helping to foster a more diverse and equitable landscape for filmmakers and creatives.
NBA 2K15 is a basketball simulation video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Spor...
Activision Publishing, Inc. is a video game publisher and subsidiary of Activision Blizzard. One of...
Ubisoft Far Cry 4 is a first-person shooter video game that was released in November 2014. The game...