Meet the Blacks is a horror comedy movie released back in 2016, produced by Freestyle Releasing. The film follows the story of the Black family who moved to Beverly Hills to start a new life and escape their past. However, chaos ensues as they arrived on the day of The Purge – a nationwide event where all crime is legal for 12 hours.
As the Blacks settle in their new home, they quickly realize that their neighborhood is not as welcoming as they thought it would be. With only a few minutes before The Purge begins, the family tries to lock down their house to survive the night, but their efforts seem futile. They soon discover that their wealthy and elite neighbors are out for blood, and they're the prime targets.
The film features a star-studded cast, including Mike Epps as Carl Black, the head of the Black family, George Lopez as President El Bama, and Zulay Henao as Lorena, Carl's wife. The comedy and horror elements are well-balanced in the film, creating a fun and thrilling experience for the audience.
Meet the Blacks received mixed reviews from critics, but it was a commercial success, grossing over $9 million at the box office. It was followed by a sequel, The House Next Door: Meet the Blacks 2, in 2021.
In conclusion, Freestyle Releasing's Meet the Blacks is a unique horror-comedy that offers an entertaining twist on the popular "Purge" franchise. It may not be the most critically acclaimed movie out there, but it's definitely worth watching if you're a fan of the horror and comedy genres.