Mega Bloks is an innovative toy company that has captured the hearts of children and adults alike with its creative building sets. Founded in 1967 by Victor Bertrand and his wife Rita, Mega Bloks has...
Mega Bloks Destiny Fallen Walker is a popular construction toy set that is based on the famous multiplayer online video game, Destiny. The toy set features a highly-detailed miniature version of the Fallen Walker, which is a popular enemy character in the game. The toy set is designed to offer fans of the game an excellent opportunity to build and recreate battle scenes from the game, and experience the thrill of taking down this formidable enemy.
The Mega Bloks Destiny Fallen Walker toy set comes with 689 pieces, which are used to build the Fallen Walker model. The model stands at an impressive 8 inches high and features several points of articulation, allowing you to pose the toy in different action positions. Additionally, the toy set comes with three miniature figures, which represent three Guardians from Destiny, who are tasked with taking down the Fallen Walker.
The Fallen Walker is a heavily-armored four-legged vehicle, which comes equipped with powerful weapons, making it a formidable foe to face in the game. The Mega Bloks Destiny Fallen Walker toy set accurately replicates the vehicle with its movable legs, rotating turret, and functioning cannon. The set also includes several accessories, such as interchangeable weapons, to enhance the gameplay experience.
In conclusion, the Mega Bloks Destiny Fallen Walker is an excellent toy set for fans of the Destiny game, as well as those who enjoy building and collecting construction toys. Its high level of detail and accuracy make it a must-have for any gamer's collection, and its fun build will keep you engaged and entertained for hours.