DC Universe, a division of Mattel, is a groundbreaking company that has captured the hearts of fans all over the world. With a focus on all things DC Comics-related, DC Universe aims to immerse fans i...
DC Universe Orm Figure by Mattel is an amazing collectible figure that every fan should have. Orm, also known as Ocean Master, is a character in the DC Universe who is the half-brother of Aquaman. The figure is designed with attention to detail, capturing every feature of Orm as seen in the comics and movies.
Standing at about 6 inches tall, the figure is made of high-quality materials and has over 20 points of articulation, allowing you to pose Orm in various combat positions. The textured suit design with intricate details along with his signature trident makes this figure visually captivating.
The figure comes in a collector-friendly packaging, perfect for display in any avid fan's collection. The packaging also features a detailed character bio of Orm, adding value to the figure.
Whether you're a fan of the DC Universe or just a collector, the DC Universe Orm Figure by Mattel is a must-have. It's an excellent addition to any collection and a great way to showcase your fandom.