The Grossery Gang is a popular toy brand that was first introduced in 2016 by Moose Toys. This line of toys features a variety of wacky and gross characters, such as moldy sandwiches, spoiled milk car...
The Grossery Gang Bug Strike Putrid Pizza is an animated TV series that revolves around a group of nearly expired and moldy grocery items that live in a rundown supermarket. The show follows the misadventures of these disgusting yet lovable characters as they try to survive in a world where humans consider them to be trash.
One of the main characters on the show is Putrid Pizza, a slice of pizza that is well past its expiration date. Despite his foul smell and edible appearance, Putrid Pizza is a kind and loyal leader who tries to keep the Grossery Gang together.
In Bug Strike, the Grossery Gang finds themselves facing a new threat in the form of a swarm of bugs that have invaded the supermarket. The bugs are led by a ruthless queen who is determined to take over the store and destroy the Grossery Gang once and for all.
Putrid Pizza and his friends must band together to fend off the bug invasion and save their home. Along the way, they encounter new allies and enemies, including the Clean Team, a group of pristine and fresh grocery items who are determined to get rid of the Grossery Gang.
The Grossery Gang Bug Strike Putrid Pizza is a quirky and entertaining show that appeals to both kids and adults. With its offbeat humor and lovable characters, it's easy to see why it has become such a popular TV series. If you enjoy animated shows that aren't afraid to be a little gross and irreverent, then Bug Strike is definitely worth checking out.