Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, also known as UPHE, is a subsidiary of Universal Pictures, which is one of the oldest and most significant film studios in the world. The company was founded in...
Universal Pictures Home Entertainment's Trolls World Tour is a highly entertaining and colorful animated movie that brings to life a storyline about various music tribes fighting to save their unique melodies from being erased by the evil queen of rock. The film, which was released on digital platforms in April 2020, and on DVD and Blu-ray in July 2020, has garnered worldwide attention, thanks to its catchy music, stunning animation, and engaging plot.
Throughout the film, the beloved Trolls characters, Poppy and Branch, embark on an adventure to save music diversity and unity in the world of Trolls. They discover that there are different tribes of Trolls, each with a unique style of music, including pop, reggaeton, country, funk, rock, classical, and techno. But when the queen of rock threatens to destroy all music except rock, Poppy and Branch must unite the other tribes to save the world of Trolls.
Trolls World Tour is an excellent choice for family movie night. It's full of fun, action, music, and positive messages for children and adults alike. The music is undoubtedly one of the highlights of the movie, with electrifying performances by popular artists, such as Justin Timberlake, who voices the character of Branch, Anna Kendrick as Poppy, Kelly Clarkson, Sam Rockwell, and Mary J. Blige. The soundtrack alone is a must-have for fans of the film and music lovers in general.
Universal Pictures Home Entertainment's Trolls World Tour has received widespread critical acclaim for its positive themes, engaging storyline, and exceptional animation. Overall, it's a must-see movie for families looking for an enjoyable and uplifting experience.