Antler King is a company that specializes in providing high-quality, innovative, and effective deer hunting products. The company was founded by Todd Stittleburg, a passionate and experienced hunter w...
Antler King Southern Greens is a popular seed mix designed specifically for hunters looking to attract wildlife to their property. It's a blend of high-quality clovers, brassicas, and other forage greens renowned for their ability to grow quickly and attract deer and other herbivores.
The Southern Greens mix is easy to plant, and the seeds can be sown in early spring for early summer growth. The forage is easy for wildlife to digest and is packed full of essential nutrients, making it an excellent food source for deer and other herbivores. Because the greens grow quickly, the mix is perfect for hunters who don't want to wait long for the forage to mature.
The Southern Greens mix is also designed to handle different soil types and is suitable for areas with a pH level between 5.5 to 7.5. The seeds are resistant to drought, and the greens can produce up to 30% more forage than other seed mixes.
Antler King Southern Greens is a great option for those who want to attract and hold more deer on their property. However, it should be noted that there is no guarantee that deer will come to feed on the greens. Factors such as weather, natural food availability, and hunting pressure can impact the number of deer that visit the area.
Overall, Antler King Southern Greens is a top-quality seed mix for hunters and outdoors enthusiasts looking to attract wildlife and improve their hunting opportunities.