Title: Unleashing Sweet & Sour Magic: The Story of Sour Patch KidsIntroduction:In a world where candy holds the power to spark joy and delight, there exists a company that mastered the art of creating...
Swedish Fish Tails is a type of candy that offers two flavors in one gummy candy. According to the search results, they come in three different flavor combinations : blue raspberry strawberry, watermelon pineapple, and raspberry mango. It is a soft, chewy candy that is available in various sizes, from 3.6 oz to 8 oz. Swedish Fish Tails are artificially flavored and contain a bioengineered food ingredient. They are popular treats for movies, holidays, snacks, parties, goodie baskets, and gifts. Some stores that sell Swedish Fish Tails include Amazon, Rite Aid, and Walgreens.