Disney Pixar's Onward is a thrilling adventure set in a magical world where fantastical creatures take the center stage. The story follows the journey of two brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, voiced by Tom Holland and Chris Pratt, respectively. In this world, magic has been replaced by technology, and the once wondrous world of mythical creatures has become familiar and mundane.
The film is set in a town called New Mushroomton, and the story takes place in a world where unicorns and dragons are as common as dogs and cats. However, the residents of New Mushroomton have forgotten about their magical heritage and rely on modern technology to carry out their daily lives.
The story begins when Ian Lightfoot, a timid young elf, receives a magical staff as a gift from his deceased father. The staff comes with a spell that can bring his father back to life for a single day, so Ian and his brother set out on a quest to finish the spell and spend one last day with their father.
The journey takes them through mountains, waterfalls, and other obstacles, and they meet a host of amusing characters along the way. The brothers soon realize that they share a deep bond, and their quest becomes a heartwarming tale of brotherly love.
Onward is a beautifully animated movie that is filled with humor, adventure, and heart. It captures the innocence of childhood and reminds us of the importance of family and friends. The film is a must-see for Pixar fans and anyone who loves a good adventure.