Entertainment Network E!, also known as E!, is a renowned media company that has solidified its place as a leading provider of entertainment news, pop culture content, and celebrity-driven programming...
Entertainment Network, more commonly known as E!, is a cable television network that has been delivering entertainment news, celebrity gossip and behind-the-scenes looks at the biggest celebrity events to American audiences since 1990. The network's programming slate includes a mix of original content and acquired television shows and documentaries, as well as popular red carpet coverage from events like the Oscars, the Grammys and the Golden Globes.
In recent years, E! has expanded its reach beyond cable and into the world of streaming with E! Now, a digital destination that offers access to exclusive content, live viewing events, and original programming. E! Now permits subscribers to watch E!'s most popular shows, including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians", "The Soup" and "E! News", as well as select live content such as the Emmy Awards red carpet and coverage of other celebrity events.
E! Now is available across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android and web-based devices. By subscribing to E! Now, fans of the network can stay up-to-date with the latest celebrity news and insider information, and enjoy access to exclusive content that is not available anywhere else.
Overall, E! and E! Now have firmly established themselves as leading sources of entertainment news and programming in the United States and around the world. Whether you're a devoted fan of a particular celebrity or just someone who loves to stay plugged into the latest happenings in Hollywood, E! and E! Now are sure to offer plenty of programming to satisfy your appetite for celebrity-inspired entertainment.