Lionsgate Home Entertainment is a division of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation , a Canadian-American film and television production company. Lionsgate has established itself as a major player in t...
Lionsgate Home Entertainment's "Stand Up Guys" is a thrilling action-comedy film, first released in 2012. The movie revolves around three aging ex-cons, Val, Doc, and Hirsch, played by veteran actors Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, and Alan Arkin, respectively.
The trio reunites for one last night of revelry and crime before Val's inevitable return to prison. The film boasts an all-star cast, including Julianna Margulies, Mark Margolis, and Lucy Punch, among others.
As the night unfolds, the trio finds themselves in all sorts of misadventures. They encounter their former mob boss, Claphands, played by the talented Mark Margolis, and embark on a dangerous mission to save their associate's kidnapped granddaughter. Amidst the chaos, they deal with old wounds, personal demons, and explore the true essence of friendship.
The film's comedic moments blend seamlessly with its intense action scenes, as the three aging ex-cons try to outrun the police and rival gangs. The screenplay, written by Noah Haidle, is a character-driven narrative that highlights the struggles, aspirations, and insecurities of these hardened criminals.
Lionsgate's Home Entertainment "Stand Up Guys" offers an exhilarating experience for audiences, showcasing the best of action, comedy, drama, and character development. This film is a must-see for fans of Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, and Alan Arkin's incredible work and a thrilling night-in for anyone who loves a good action-comedy.