StudioCanal, a leading European film distributor and producer, released the animated movie "The Wild Life" in 2016. The movie, directed by Vincent Kesteloot and Ben Stassen, tells the story of a group of animals on a tropical island who must learn to live together and fend off danger.
"The Wild Life" features an ensemble cast of colorful characters, including a parrot, a tapir, a chameleon, a porcupine, and a goat. The movie explores themes of friendship, teamwork, and survival, as the animals work together to protect their island from pirates.
Although "The Wild Life" received mixed reviews from critics, it was praised for its attractive animation style and engaging storyline. The movie was also successful at the box office, grossing over $20 million worldwide.
Overall, StudioCanal's "The Wild Life" is a fun and adventurous movie that appeals to audiences of all ages. The film's vibrant characters and beautiful animation bring the tropical island and its inhabitants to life, making it a great watch for fans of animation and family-friendly entertainment.