Playmobil is a renowned toy company that has captured the hearts and imaginations of children and adults alike for decades. Founded in 1974 by German toy maker Hans Beck, Playmobil has become synonymo...
The Playmobil City Action Space Shuttle is a must-have toy for young adventurers who love space exploration. With its intricate detailing and lifelike functions, this toy captures the excitement of space travel.
The shuttle comes equipped with everything that a young astronaut could need for their imaginary mission to space, including an adjustable robotic arm, a functioning digital screen and a realistic cockpit with room for two figures. The cockpit is designed to open and close, allowing easy access to the interior of the shuttle.
The outfit of the astronaut completes the experience of space adventure, as it is fully equipped with a spacesuit, helmet, and other essential tools. The astronauts' helmet can be rotated to let the figure breathe the outside air.
The shuttle also comes with a launch platform that supports the shuttle while it prepares for launch. The launch platform has a movable crane for loading and unloading of cargo into the shuttle.
With the combination of an excellent functionality and the incredible detailing of the toy, the Playmobil City Action Space Shuttle is the perfect toy to ignite a child's creativity and inspire them to imagine themselves as astronauts exploring outer space.