DreamWorks Animation's Home is a heartwarming animated movie released in 2015 that features the story of an alien named Oh, who befriends a young girl named Gratuity "Tip" Tucci. The movie takes viewers on an exciting adventure as Oh and Tip travel around the world to save the planet from the villainous Boov, who relocate humans to different parts of the planet to take over the Earth.
What makes Home stand out is its focus on the unique perspective of its characters. Oh, voiced by Jim Parsons, is a clumsy and socially inept alien who struggles to fit in with his fellow Boovs. On the other hand, Tip, voiced by Rihanna, is a street-wise girl who has lost her mother and struggles with the idea of being relocated to a new part of the world. Together, they form an unlikely friendship and learn to embrace their differences.
In addition to its engaging storyline, Home also boasts a vibrant visual palette that makes for a pleasant viewing experience. The movie's animation style is bright and colorful, creating a sense of wonder and whimsy that immerses the audience in the story.
Overall, DreamWorks Animation's Home is a must-watch for fans of animated movies. Its lovable characters, heartwarming story, and stunning visual effects make it a crowd-pleaser for both kids and adults alike.