Warner Home EntertainmentWarner Home Entertainment is a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and a global leader in the distribution, production, and marketing of home entertainment. The compan...
Warner Home Entertainment released the seventh season of the popular American TV series, Supernatural, and is available on DVD. The season was produced by Warner Bros., and sold by various retailers including Walmart and Target. This season marks the second and final one for Sera Gamble as the showrunner, with Jeremy Carver taking over the role for season 8 ). The DVD set includes all the episodes from the seventh season with a total runtime of 1152 minutes. Fans can enjoy the thrilling and terrifying journey of brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, played by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles respectively, as they hunt supernatural creatures and try to prevent the apocalypse. The DVD set can be purchased online or in-store at various retailers and is a must-have for any Supernatural fan.