Twentieth Century Studios' Assassin's Creed is a thrilling cinematic adaptation of the popular video game franchise. Set in both modern times and 15th-century Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, the movie follows the story of Callum Lynch, a criminal who is saved from execution by the Abstergo organization, a front for the modern-day Templars. Abstergo uses a revolutionary technology, the Animus, to extract memories from Lynch's DNA and send him back in time to the life of his ancestor, Aguilar de Nerha, who was a member of the Assassin's Creed.
As Lynch delves deeper into his ancestor's memories, he learns the truth about the age-old conflict between the Assassins and the Templars. The Assassins, who believe in free will and personal freedom, have been fighting against the Templars, who seek to control humanity and eliminate all dissent. With the help of his fellow Assassin (and love interest) Maria, Aguilar fights to retrieve a powerful artifact, the Apple of Eden, before the Templars can get their hands on it and use its power to impose their will on the world.
The action-packed movie features incredible fight scenes, parkour stunts, and breathtaking scenery, as Lynch navigates the treacherous world of the Spanish Inquisition and battles against the Templars. Michael Fassbender gives a stellar performance as Callum Lynch and Aguilar de Nerha, and the supporting cast includes Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, and Brendan Gleeson. The movie stays true to the spirit of the video game franchise while also offering a fresh take on the story, making it a must-watch for fans of the series and action movie fans alike.