Bio Channel, also known as The Biography Channel, was a television network dedicated to showcasing the lives and stories of notable individuals from various fields. Established in 1999, it quickly bec...
Lionsgate Home Entertainment Paranormal State: The Complete Fifth Season
Lionsgate Home Entertainment Paranormal State: The Complete Fifth Season is a DVD set that contains all 12 episodes of the fifth season of the TV series "Paranormal State". The show features a team of paranormal investigators known as the Paranormal Research Society (PRS), led by Ryan Buell, who investigate alleged cases of hauntings and paranormal activity.
The fifth season of "Paranormal State" features investigations in a variety of locations across the United States, including a haunted hotel in Florida and a family home in New Jersey believed to be visited by the ghost of a deceased relative. The PRS uses a combination of traditional investigation techniques and state-of-the-art technology to try and uncover evidence of paranormal activity.
The DVD set of "Lionsgate Home Entertainment Paranormal State: The Complete Fifth Season" also includes several bonus features, such as never-before-seen footage, deleted scenes, and extended investigations. Fans of the show and those interested in the paranormal will enjoy this DVD set, which provides an in-depth look at the work of the PRS and their investigations.