Little, Brown and Company is a renowned publishing company that has left an indelible mark on the literary world. Established in 1837 by Charles Coffin Little and James Brown, the company has since be...
Little, Brown and Company is a publishing house that has produced many acclaimed novels over the years. One of their standout books is James Patterson's "Middle School: Save Rafe!" This novel centers around Rafe, a middle school student who is struggling to fit in. When Rafe's friend, Leo, suddenly disappears, Rafe makes it his mission to find him. Along the way, he discovers a plot that involves a group of bullies, an evil math teacher and a secret club.
As Rafe investigates, he realizes that Leo may have been taken by a group of students known as the "Gang of Five". The Gang of Five is notorious for bullying other students and causing havoc in the school. As Rafe delves deeper, he learns that they are being led by an unlikely source - his own math teacher, Mr. McCauley.
With the help of his friends, Rafe hatches a plan to save Leo and put an end to the Gang of Five's reign of terror. As they execute their plan, they encounter countless obstacles and dangers. However, their determination and courage prove to be too much for the bullies and they are ultimately defeated.
"Middle School: Save Rafe!" is an engaging and thrilling novel that touches on themes of friendship, loyalty and standing up for what is right. James Patterson has once again delivered a powerful and emotional story that is perfect for readers of all ages.