Hollywood Bowl is a renowned company in the entertainment industry, famous for its iconic venue that has been the backdrop for countless memorable performances over the years. Located in the heart of...
In 2014, one of the most beloved animated shows of all time, The Simpsons, celebrated its 25th anniversary, and to commemorate the occasion, Hollywood Bowl hosted a special live event called "The Simpsons Take the Bowl." The event was a unique combination of a live orchestra performing many of the show's iconic musical numbers and a screening of classic Simpsons episodes.
The three-night event was a collaboration between The Simpsons creators and producers and Hollywood Bowl. It featured the usual Simpsons cast playing live onstage - including Nancy Cartwright (Bart Simpson), Yeardley Smith (Lisa Simpson), and Hank Azaria (Moe, Apu, Chief Wiggum, and other characters) - with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra. The event featured many of The Simpsons' most beloved characters, including Marge, Homer, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, as well as fan-favorite characters like Apu, Krusty the Clown, and Sideshow Bob.
The whole production celebrated the show's musical legacy, featuring classic songs such as "We Put the Spring in Springfield," "Hail to the Teeth," and "See My Vest." Fans were treated to hilarious interstitial introductions featuring The Simpsons stars in character interacting with the Hollywood Bowl audience.
The event also had several special guests, including Conan O'Brien, who wrote many iconic episodes of the series. Other guest stars included Weird Al Yankovic, and Beverly D'Angelo, who played Lurleen Lumpkin, a character who appeared in several episodes of The Simpsons.
Overall, "The Simpsons Take the Bowl" was a delightfully surreal experience for both fans of the show and music lovers alike. It was a celebration of all the things fans love about the show - its wit, irreverence, and music - and one of the most memorable events ever hosted by Hollywood Bowl.