Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment is a renowned entertainment company that specializes in distributing and marketing films and TV shows for home viewing. As a division of Paramount Pictures, which...
Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment released the highly acclaimed horror-thriller movie World War Z on DVD and Blu-ray. Directed by Marc Forster and starring Brad Pitt, the film tells the story of Gerry Lane, a former United Nations investigator who embarks on a mission to find the source of a zombie outbreak that is threatening to wipe out humanity.
The movie was based on the 2006 novel of the same name by Max Brooks, which has become a cultural phenomenon in the zombie genre. The film adaptation was praised for its intense action sequences and stunning visual effects, as well as for Pitt's performance as the determined and resourceful Gerry Lane.
Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment released the World War Z DVD and Blu-ray, complete with bonus features such as behind-the-scene footage, commentary from the cast and crew, and documentaries on the making of the film. The release was a commercial success, with fans of the movie eagerly anticipating the chance to own a copy for themselves.
Overall, World War Z has become a modern classic in the zombie genre, and the release of the film by Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment has given fans the chance to relive the intense and thrilling experience in their own homes.