Testament of Youth is a British drama film that was released in 2014. It was directed by James Kent and produced by David Heyman. The movie is based on the memoir of Vera Brittain, a British writer, and pacifist. The story takes place during World War I and follows the life of Vera Brittain, who gives up her studies at Oxford University to become a nurse during the war. She experiences firsthand the horrors of war, including watching her brother and fiancé go off to fight.
Sony Pictures Classics distributed the film, which received critical acclaim for its strong performances, particularly from leading actress Alicia Vikander, who played the role of Vera Brittain. The film also received favorable reviews for its portrayal of the war and the struggle for women's rights during that time.
Testament of Youth is a poignant and beautifully made film that highlights the strength of women during a time of great adversity. It showcases the courage and bravery of those who fought in World War I, as well as the emotional toll it took on the people who experienced it. It is a must-watch for history buffs, feminists, and anyone who appreciates a good drama.