Twentieth Century Studios’ The Book of Life is a charming and visually stunning animated film that tells the story of two friends, Manolo and Joaquin, vying for the love of Maria. Set in Mexico, this film takes the audience on a magical journey through different realms, including the Land of the Remembered and the Land of the Forgotten.
Manolo, a passionate and talented musician, comes from a family of bullfighters. However, his heart is set on a career in music, which his father disapproves of. Joaquin, on the other hand, is a courageous soldier who is given the Medal of Everlasting Life by the ruling deities of the Land of the Remembered. Despite his accolades, Joaquin is not confident enough to woo Maria.
Manolo, determined to win Maria’s heart by being true to himself, embarks on a dangerous journey through the different lands to make his way back to the Living World. On his journey, he is accompanied by a charismatic trickster named Xibalba, who is often more of a hindrance than a help.
The Book of Life uses vibrant and detailed animation to portray all the different realms through which Manolo passes. The film is a feast for the eyes, filled with bright colors and intricate details that transport the audience to a world rich in Mexican folklore.
While the film has a lot of humor, it also manages to be emotionally poignant, and at times, downright heart-wrenching. The central themes of the movie speak to the importance of being true to oneself, the power of love, and the beauty of family traditions.
In conclusion, the Twentieth Century Studios’ The Book of Life is a stunning example of what animation can achieve. The film manages to be both visually captivating and emotionally relevant, and is a must-watch for people of all ages.