Logan is a superhero film produced by Twentieth Century Studios. It was released in 2017 as the tenth installment in the superhero film franchise X-Men and the third and final installment in the Wolverine film series. The film was directed by James Mangold and starred Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine, Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier/Professor X, and Dafne Keen as Laura/X-23.
The plot takes place in the year 2029, where mutants are almost extinct, and Logan is now living as a limousine driver and taking care of an ailing Charles Xavier, who is suffering from a degenerative brain disease. Logan's healing powers are slowly failing him, and he is now aging and suffering from injuries. Logan is forced to confront his past when a young mutant girl named Laura appears, who has similar powers to his own and is being hunted by dangerous forces.
The film features fantastic performances from its main cast, especially Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart, who deliver potent and emotional performances that elevate the film above typical superhero fare. Dafne Keen also deserves special mention for her portrayal of Laura, who manages to hold her own against the seasoned actors.
Logan is a unique superhero film that is more of a character-driven drama than an action-packed adventure. The film explores themes of loss, regret, and redemption, offering a satisfying conclusion to the Wolverine story arc. Twentieth Century Studios delivered a stylish, brutal, and emotionally powerful film that stands as one of the best X-Men movies in the franchise.