Subway, founded in 1965 by Fred DeLuca and Peter Buck, is a renowned American fast-food restaurant franchise that has earned international recognition for its fresh, customizable sandwiches. With its...
The Subway Ultimate Steak is a newer addition to the popular sandwich chain's menu. It is a footlong sandwich that features juicy, tender steak as the main protein, combined with your choice of bread, cheese, and toppings. The Ultimate Steak is one of the more indulgent options on the menu, and is definitely not for those looking for a light and healthy meal.
The sandwich can be customized with a range of toppings, but some popular options include melted cheese, sautéed onions and bell peppers, lettuce, tomato, and spicy chipotle sauce. The sauce adds a nice kick to the sandwich and pairs well with the bold flavor of the steak.
The Ultimate Steak is not particularly cheap, but it offers a filling and satisfying meal that is perfect for meat lovers. If you're a fan of steak sandwiches and looking for a hearty and tasty meal, the Subway Ultimate Steak is definitely worth a try.