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DreamWorks Animation's Trolls World Tour is a fantastic animated movie that follows the lives of some highly enthusiastic trolls. The movie is a sequel to the first Troll movie released in 2016 and has garnered quite a following since its release in 2020.
The movie takes us on a musical journey through different worlds of music and celebrates the idea that we can all come together and make beautiful music as one big family. Queen Poppy and Branch, who had become friends in the first movie, set off on an adventure to save the trolls' world, which was threatened by an evil character named Queen Barb, a rock troll.
In the movie, audiences are taken through an incredible journey of music, from rock, techno, country, funk, and classical music. The animation is top-notch, the characters are lovable and entertaining, and the voice acting is superb. The movie features a fantastic cast of actors, including Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Rachel Bloom, James Corden, and many others.
One of the things that make Trolls World Tour stand out is the seamless integration of original songs with the storyline. Each song is unique, catchy, and perfectly complements the scene it accompanies. The movie's soundtrack features original songs from various artists, including Justin Timberlake, SZA, and Anderson Paak.
Overall, DreamWorks Animation Trolls World Tour is a fun-filled adventure that is perfect for both kids and adults. It celebrates diversity, unity, and the power of music to bring people together. If you're a fan of the first Troll movie or just looking for an excellent animated movie to enjoy with your family, Trolls World Tour is definitely worth checking out.