Hallmark Publishing is a renowned and innovative publishing company that specializes in creating heartwarming and uplifting stories. Established in 2010, Hallmark Publishing has become a beloved brand...
Behind the Frame is an engaging and captivating novel written by Tracy Gardner and published by Hallmark Publishing. The novel follows the story of a talented artist, Claire, who has been struggling to find inspiration for her next masterpiece. As luck would have it, she is given the opportunity to participate in a prestigious art show in New York City. Not only will she be able to showcase her art, but also have the chance to win a substantial cash prize.
However, things take an unexpected turn when she meets Jack, a charming and charismatic gallery owner, who pushes Claire to explore her creativity and take risks with her art. As the characters' relationship develops, they begin to uncover dark secrets from Jack's past that could destroy both their careers and their budding romance.
Gardner's writing perfectly captures the intricacies of the art scene and the challenges artists face in their creative journey. The novel is filled with well-developed characters and unexpected plot twists that keep the reader engaged until the very end. Behind the Frame is an intriguing and heartfelt love story that is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers.
Overall, Hallmark Publishing's Behind the Frame is a highly enjoyable read that will appeal to anyone looking for a captivating romance novel with a unique twist. It's a great testament to Tracy Gardner's writing abilities and Hallmark's dedication to producing quality literature.