Disney Princess is a highly popular franchise that's owned by The Walt Disney Company. This franchise features a wide variety of Disney princess characters, including Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Ar...
Disney Princess (Hasbro) Royal Shimmer Merida is a beautiful and adventurous princess from the Scottish Highlands. Based on the character from the Disney movie "Brave," Merida is known for her fiery red hair, her love for archery and her rebellious spirit.
The Royal Shimmer Merida doll is dressed in a stunning green and gold gown, shimmering with beautiful patterns and sparkles. She has a golden tiara on her head and wears purple shoes to match the accents on her dress.
Merida is a symbol of strength and courage. She refused to follow the traditional roles and expectations imposed on her by society and instead fought for her own dreams and goals. Her passion for archery and adventures inspired many girls around the world to pursue their own passions and break free from the limitations set upon them.
With the Royal Shimmer Merida doll, children can recreate their favorite scenes from the movie or create their own imaginative adventures. Whether she is fighting for her kingdom or exploring the wilderness, Merida is sure to inspire and awe those who see her.