Lionsgate Home Entertainment is a division of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation , a Canadian-American film and television production company. Lionsgate has established itself as a major player in t...
Knives Out is a 2019 American murder mystery film written and directed by Rian Johnson. The film follows a detective, played by Daniel Craig, as he investigates the death of a wealthy patriarch in a dysfunctional family. The ensemble cast includes Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell, and Christopher Plummer.
The film was a commercial and critical success, grossing over $311 million worldwide against a $40 million budget. It received numerous accolades, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. Lionsgate Home Entertainment released the film on DVD, Blu-ray, and digital in 2020.
The home entertainment release features bonus content, including a making-of documentary, deleted scenes, and an audio commentary with Rian Johnson. Fans of the film can dive deeper into the making of Knives Out with these special features. Additionally, the Blu-ray version of the film features stunning high-definition picture quality and immersive audio, bringing the audience closer to the action and suspense of this modern whodunit.
Overall, Lionsgate Home Entertainment's release of Knives Out offers fans a chance to experience the film's clever writing, stellar performances, and enthralling mystery from the comfort of their own home.