Crayola is a well-known American manufacturing company that specializes in producing art supplies, particularly crayons. The company was originally founded in 1885 by Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith...
Crayola Easy Animation Studio is an exciting and fun-filled animation kit that enables kids to create their unique animations. The kit includes a large number of different character templates that are designed to make animation easy and accessible to young users. With the help of the kit, kids can create their own cartoons and bring their individual stories to life.
The Crayola Easy Animation Studio kit contains a poseable mannequin, a drawing mannequin, a 30-page design book, and access to a free animation app. One of the standout features of the Crayola Easy Animation Studio is the Skin & Hair feature, which enables kids to design and customize their characters' looks by selecting different skin tones and hair colors. This feature provides kids with the opportunity to make their cartoons unique and reflective of their personalities.
The app that comes with the Crayola Easy Animation Studio provides a step-by-step guide that teaches kids the basics of animation. Not only does it teach the essentials of animation, but it also allows kids to record sounds and add music to their animations, making them even more engaging. Kids can share their creations with others using the app or download them to a computer in different formats.
Furthermore, the Crayola Easy Animation Studio is an excellent way to engage children's creativity and boost their imagination. By exploring animation and storytelling, kids can hone their artistic skills and develop their storytelling abilities. It provides a great way for children to express themselves through art and storytelling.
Overall, the Crayola Easy Animation Studio is a fun and educational tool that enables kids to create their unique animations. Whether it's colorful animals, funny characters, or short stories, this animation kit is sure to empower kids to explore their creativity, imagination, and storytelling abilities.