The Easterseals TV spot titled "Staying at Home" is a heartwarming advertisement that showcases the...
Easterseals is a non-profit organization that aims to empower people with disabilities and special needs to live fulfilled lives and achieve their full potential. Founded in 1919, Easterseals has been...
Jamie Brewer is an American actress and model who is best known for her roles in the popular television series "American Horror Story." In addition to acting, she is also known for her work as a commercial actor. Jamie has challenged norms in mainstream media as she is known for being the first model with Down Syndrome to walk at New York Fashion Week and the only person with Down Syndrome to be cast in a play on Broadway.
Jamie has become a trailblazer in the entertainment industry for persons with disabilities, proving that with talent and determination, anyone can achieve their dreams. She has used her platform to advocate for inclusion and representation of people with disabilities in the media, leading the way towards a more diverse and accepting industry.
In her commercial work, Jamie brings a unique authenticity and rawness to her performances. Her captivating presence and natural delivery allows her to excel in her roles, capturing the essence of the brand she is representing. Her collaboration with brands such as Verizon and Google showcases her range and versatility as a commercial actor.
Jamie Brewer's work as a commercial actor has not only showcased her talent but has also opened doors for people with disabilities in the commercial industry. She continues to inspire and break down barriers, proving that there's room for diverse representation in every industry.