Title: C-ing Is Believing: Tornado in a Tutu - Unveiling the Quirky World of C by GEIntroduction:In...
Title: C by GE TV Spot, 'Iron Throne' Featuring John SlatteryIntro:In a captivating TV spot titled '...
Title: Seeing is Believing: Millions of Different Colors - C by GE TV Spot (Featuring John Slattery)...
GE Lighting OverviewGE Lighting is a subsidiary of General Electric Company, one of the largest multinational conglomerates in the world. GE Lighting is primarily focused on designing and manufacturin...
John Slattery is a well-known American actor, director, and producer who has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry. He is perhaps best known for his role as Roger Sterling in the critically acclaimed television drama series, Mad Men.
Born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1962, John Slattery began his career as a commercial actor before branching out into theater and television. His early work included commercials for companies such as Lincoln-Mercury, Bud Lite, and Honda, where he played a hilariously unsuccessful salesman.
Despite his success in commercials, Slattery has since established himself as an accomplished actor with a wide range of roles to his name. Aside from his acclaimed portrayal of Roger Sterling in Mad Men, he has also appeared in productions like the crime drama, Charlie's Angels, and the legal drama, The Practice.
Aside from his acting work, John Slattery has also made his mark as a director and producer. He directed several episodes of Mad Men, as well as other popular television shows such as Sex and the City and Homeland. His production credits include films like In Our Nature and the documentary, EuroTrump.
While he may have started as a commercial actor, John Slattery's career has expanded far beyond those early days. His talent, perseverance, and willingness to take on challenging and diverse roles have earned him a respected place in the entertainment industry. He continues to push boundaries and inspire others with his work, solidifying his position as one of the industry's brightest stars.